Tuesday, November 7, 2023


I am aware that not everyone thinks that Trump was a good President or even a good person. But what I am having a problem understanding is why anyone would think that the current President or even the one before him were good for our country, our economy or our livelihoods. As they are all in such bad shape now it will take years to recover. A number of people base their opionions of Trump on his personal life, which is exactly what they are trying to make happen with all the lawsuits that are going on against him. Yet the truth is that Trump does not run our country based on his personal life. Just think about this for a moment. How would you fell if your everyday work life was based on your personal life, the way they treated you at work was based on what you did after work and on weekends, at parties, etc. Your permotions, your interactions with bosses and coworkers all were tied to your personal life. I don't think you'd be very happy because let's face it none of us are perfect. When I went to work I did my job to the best of my ability, I interacted with coworkers and bosses based on the job that was at hand. I did not do my job based on my personal life because that was seperate. And Trump is no different. He did a great job for this country when he was President, he worked hard to make America great again. Bottom line here is I don't care what he does in his private life that is his private life, I don't want people basing how well I do my job on what I do in my private life that is no ones business. And that goes for the President as well!

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